Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Ice Breaker

Greetings, intellectuals

Mediabully here and I wanted to make the point that you are your own man or woman when it comes to the media, correct? In television you influence a dominant control in what you want to watch with a large variety to choose from. ESPN Football, American Idol, Heroes, and Gossip Girl all equal less than one percent of the total options you have to choose from. Turn on the radio… There you have the option of listening to jazz, punk, reggaeton, pop, emo rock to psychedelic funk and many more. The choice is all yours. Even when you walk through the entertainment section of a store, you have ultimate control in what movie, video game, or album that you purchase.

However, have you ever thought that there is a vice-versa effect when it comes to influence, control and the media? More importantly, do the media have a direct impact on our actions in everyday life? Consider that question carefully. Would the situation change if under scope in a criminal court case in which someone is on trial for repeating something they were exposed to by any mediums? Who is to blame: the individual or the medium? Maybe both. The pose of media and its effects on society is an interesting topic and one I will explore in a series of blog entries over the next few months. Some of the questions posed in this entry will be answered in future blogs so BE ON THE LOOKOUT! Any questions of your own with our relationship to the media and its impact? Leave a comment and I’ll be sure to address them.

Until then... Arrivederci!

Mediabully signing out.


  1. The media has an influence on our lives, but I believe that we can overcome that influence. Our minds are powerful. For example, if a person believes that he is sick, then he will most likely get sick. There is some psychology behind it as well. The media affects all those to use it, but the outcome of positive vs. negative effects depend on how an individual "takes in" the media.

    You can't blame media because the purpose of media is to reach out and attract several users. You are your own person, not one that the media controls.

  2. I would have to agree that there seems to be a multifarious relationship between the media and the individual. What we watch may be my choice or by influence but ultimately it seems difficult to truly know. Do I like something because I like it or do I like something because the media has programmed me to think that I like something? These questions are hard to answer and there seems to be many answers. I am curious to see which side you choose!

  3. I definitely believe that the media plays a substantial role in the values, decisions, and concerns Americans possess in their everyday lives. In fact, I feel that the media's pull is so significant that it would be completely irrational to even suggest that such a pull doesn't exist. American media's influence is so powerful that it even stretches beyond its national borders, bleeding onto the pages of neighboring countries. As a Barbadian who recently relocated here in the states, I know firsthand of the American media's influence. Bajans are dressing, speaking and even behaving in a manner never before associated with the Barbadian culture in the 90's. The desire to be "American" is growing swiftly, not only in the U.S, but globally.

  4. I agree that the media has a huge impact on people's lives and with people's actions, but I think that most people have the power to overcome these influences if they truly want to. Do you think that factors such as age and self-esteem might have any influence on the impact of media on people's live? I feel like younger and impressionable children might be more likely to try something they view on television. I also feel as if people with lower self esteem might try to dress similar to a television star in order to "fit it" more. Just a question I wanted to throw at ya!

  5. I agree that the media does influence our lives. However, they do not influence us enough that they control how we act. Most people have a enough self control to not allow the media to overcome them. In our present, I believe that people only use the media when there are not important work or activities to do. I only watch television or listen to the radio when I finish homework and I do not have any of my friends to talk to. The media does have some influence in our lives but people overcome them.

  6. Thank you guys for all your comments, I do appreciate them.

    You make a very interesting point blogger ATD and I do want to make clear that I do agree with you wholly. The mind is very powerful. In fact, the human mind is powerful enough to create this media that we have grown so comfortable with. However, the effect may be very implicit and come across unnoticed compared to the disease known hypochondria where people obsessively make themselves believe that they have an illness. You are correct, the disease hypochondria do effect the mind powerfully because the effect from in illness is that the individual is preoccupied with the fear or illness all the time. I wouldn’t compare the media to a disease, however. The effects of the media are a lot less subtle. I will try to provide for a future biological reason for the media’s influence if possible in the next blog.

    And for newblogger you are very correct and I share the same opinion given the circumstances of youth and low-self esteem. They are more impressionable to the media but to other things as well not due to the media such as peer pressure. So how much of the media is devoted to this group? Maybe take a look at the ads the next time you watch television in a commercial slot. Are the ads intended to children? Adults? Maybe any other groups? Is this dependent on the channel's agenda or the type of viewers it usually brings in? I will bring these topics to life in future blogs.

    I also wanted to point out that I do feel like the media has a great influence on us but a lot of times even a good influence. It’s not always negative. I will definitely research some of these ways.

    Thanks again for your comments!
