Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Self Analysis

Writing this blog has allowed me to grow as a thinker as I explored the topic of media influence. I was able to assess the argument in a variety of ways and probably learned as much as you guys did as readers.

I realized that my blog was able to dig really deep into a well thought analysis. I started off simply questioning whether the media had an influence on our everyday behavior, pondering the significance myself. Although I did somewhat believe it to be true, I underestimated the media’s impact greatly. The media use of impacting our minds with its use of sex, money and power is something that has been readily available to the human eye in our everyday interaction with the media, but understanding the reason how it is able to influence our minds has been an interesting topic to research. I was unaware before my blogging endeavors of the scientific explanation with the use of our brain’s reptilian behavior.

My analysis post has been influential in allowing me to further my argument and forcing me to look at it within a deeper understanding. With my analysis, I compared the media to George Orwell’s conspiracy notions of the government in the novel “1984”. Researching the historical evaluation of the media was influential in furthering my topic. I was also able to delve into our relationship with the media in everyday life. These topics allowed me to identify with the media not as a necessary evil but as an object that we must attain an understanding of how it works so we can access the goods of media's influence. Understanding the use of advertiser’s tactics of targeting body image, violence and public opinion has also been interesting to research. These topics are very interesting because it is something the everyday person fails to analyze. These topics have also helped me to further my argument into one of my favorite blogs where I discuss how media violence is used to create a killing machine for our US Army.

My blog has been a growing experience and I think it has done its job well into understanding how the media has been able to effect the mass and the culture of our society than the simple initial blogging of how advertisers sell products. We have seen proof of this in my theory post with the brief topic of shaving. Within the past couple of weeks, the growth of my blog has been obvious. My blog hasn't been merely based on theory and opinions but many topics have been justified with scientific backing on the media's ability to hypnotize the viewer, pointing out to the brain's functioning of intercepting different waves when watching television.

I hope my blogging on the subject of the media was enlightening to all of you who actually read it. Thank you to all my stalkers especially the ones that commented.

Until my next blog, Farewell

Mediabully signing out.

Check Out These Amazing Blogs!

In the Image of What?

***** (5 Stars)

The blogger ford does a well job of exploring the debate at hand about the argument of evolution versus creationism. The blogger takes an intellectual approach at the matter and presents his evidence well. I have no trouble getting lost in the blog as the author’s fluid writing and appeal of logos presents the findings evolution as insightful and credible.


Drinking Age

***** (5 Stars)

Blogger 18equalsadult has a profound topic that not only is relatable to the age group of 18 to 21 but is extremely crucial. The blogger is able to capture our interest in the subject in the topic alone (let’s face it), but she manages to hold our interest with interesting facts that gives us more details on the matter that we would have never thought about before. She approaches the subject with a scholarly and logical tone; any other way would be detrimental to her blog and undermine the importance of the subject.

http://18equalsadult.blogspot.c om/

Legalizing Marijuana

***** (5 Stars)

Nonlinearperspectives topic is about the legalization of marijuana. His blog in smart and insightful and manages to provide a variety of information to further his argument. I can honestly say from following this blog that I believe the government will consider changing the current legislation on marijuana in the years to come. NLP has cited many beneficial pros and has even managed to change my opinion on the matter.


*This blog has been edited to embed the necessary links

Monday, November 9, 2009

A Look at the other Side

Opinionated may describe my blog but how else am I to get your attention?

Hey blogger world!

Mediabully here, to discover a look into the other side of the argument and explore why the line of the debate is so wide. So my blog is mainly about the bad things that the media has done but what about the good things? Let’s look at the glass half full...

We experience the media everyday of our lives. There is almost no way to avoid it. Would we want to avoid it? As a current student of a university, the use of media technology has allowed me to complete most, if not all of the assignments that have come at me. Through the media, we are able to become informed citizens and know what is happening in our country, as well as around the world in an instant. Although I pointed out many pitfalls to the world of advertising, there is also a lot of good to come of it. Although a marginal percentage, there are a variety of positive commercials. For instance, non-profit groups such as Truth publish a moderate amount of their advertisements throughout many media outlets which inform teenagers to stay away from drugs. We also have seen a recent ride in commercials that try to promote a healthy lifestyle such as maintaining a healthy diet and exercising. Businesses transactions are able to operate more efficiently through the use of improved communication and many organizations can get a strong backing from the new wave of social media that has taken an uprising with the many influential sites such as Facebook.

So I’m not here to condemn the media. There is good and bad in everything but my purpose will be served to use the media outlet of my blog to allow all of you to become informed on the the subject. The more informed you are, the better you can avoid the negative effects the media can place on you. I appreciate all the time and support all of you have given me throughout the past couple of weeks. Hopefully my blog has allowed you to look at the media in a different way that is enlightening.

Mediabully signing out.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Implications Post

I look ahead and I see technology growing. This is an incredible thing especially in terms of the media outlet. The more people the media is able to reach the faster things are able to get done. However, there is always a bad side when we see improved technology. Such as in the article “Is Google Making Us Stupid” which gives a resound critique of the internet and the pitfalls we should be aware of, I’m viewing the same thing with media. I don’t think it’s a bad thing but the problem I have with the media is that it should encompass more diversity of media owners. The media is basically dominated by 6 major companies which include Time Warner, Viacom, Vivendi Universal, Walt Disney, News Corp, and General Electric. They own the major entertainment theme parks, entertainment movie studios, television and radio broadcast networks and programming, video news and sports entertainment. They also own integrated telecommunications, wireless phones, video games softwares, electronic media, the music industry and don’t get me started on kitchen appliances. We’ll see how far a Fairness Doctrine will go but the astounding awareness presides that media homogeneity is the problem. What is the solution?

Mediabully signing out

Advertising: What's the Point?

Greetings, intellectuals

Mediabully here and what you’ve just witnessed is the aspect of the advertiser-consumer relationship. I believe it is my responsibility to analyze the physics of this relationship fully and give you guys a keen sight the next time you watch an advertisement.

So what’s the point of advertising?

• To attract new buyers and try to expand customer base.
• To compete in the market.
• To create an organization's recognition among consumers.
• To promote subsidiary or products manufactured by the same company.
• To bring into notice the changes, special offers or current developments of the interest of the consumers.
• To increase the sale of a particular product.
• To carry out public relations and public service program

The goal of advertising comes down to making individuals view themselves as a mass who all desire the same thing. Mass production requires mass consumption and advertising plays a major part to this equation.

The media’s involvement?

The major player in the advertising world is the media used by these advertisers. The media are the channels of communication that carry the messages from the advertiser to the audience. Media organizations are organized to sell space (in print media) and time (in broadcast media).

How has advertising changed?

Over time, advertising techniques have changed drastically. All ads and commercials appeal to a certain audiences and genders, congregate different values, and contain many different aesthetics. Ads and commercials from the 1940-1970 eras are different from those in the 2000-2008 era and will continue to be different in the years to come. Technology will also change the ways advertisements are brought to consumers.


The reason for this post is because I want you guys to be well aware and more informed of the situation at stake. Ignorance is bliss but the cognizant can’t be fooled. So as you identify yourself as a consumer, you see that the product is meant for YOU. That’s what advertising comes down to and I hope this blog was enlightening. If it was confusing and you have questions, leave a comment. If you have an opinion, leave a comment.

Until next time, Valete

Mediabully signing out

Annotated Links Post

Mediabully here droppin’ links to you guys like it’s hot. These are the pages that guided me to bring you such an awesome blog. Youtube doesn’t really count as an “intellectual” link but I thought I’d give it a shout out regardless. Anywho, check out these media goodies:

1) http://hubpages.com/hub/Mass-Media-Influence-on-Society

This website goes above and beyond in describing the relationship the media has with society. I’m especially impressed with this websites because it describes in simple detail how the media works, shedding light on how only 5 major companies monopolize 95% of the industry. It also goes into details on how the media effects society by specifically bringing topics about how the media targets young people, advertising and hunger, and how the media works in the political arena.

2) http://www.eruptingmind.com/effects-of-tv-on-brain/

Love this site! Not only is it eye-catching with the pictures and videos but it is very informative. While it doesn’t delve too deep into a subject, it is able to provide an analysis for a variety of subjects. Some include topics of television acting as a medium for hypnosis. It even brings in scientific evidence on how your brain works and adapts this towards the medium’s power of hypnosis. It also goes into the topic of how the army used the media to create violent soldiers. I find this site very informative and engaging.

3) http://www.nyu.edu/classes/stephens/History%20of%20Television%20page.htm

While this site doesn’t relate specifically on how the media influences society it provides an important piece to my blog because it provides information on media’s history. It focuses specifically on television which my blog has been about.

4) http://www.eruptingmind.com/reptilian-brain-behavior/

This site is also very eye-catching but what I enjoy most about this site is that it brings in topics specifically about how advertisers are able to trigger behavior. The three main examples it uses are sex, power, and money.

5) http://www.ur.umich.edu/9798/Oct22_97/media.htm

This article is a must read. It sheds light on the media’s influence on eating disorders. There has obviously been a rise and this article does justice in explaining the situation thoroughly. It brings in the medium of fashion magazines and television.

6) http://www.media-awareness.ca/english/issues/violence/effects_media_violence.cfm

This sites sheds light on media violence. It’s a big issue and a topic that has been debated thousands of times, even in criminal court proceedings. So does the media bring out aggressive behavior in people, specifically children in this article? Read it and find out. If you already know, read it and find out how. This site also provides case examples that is able to prove its point on the effects of media violence.

7) http://dieoff.org/page24.htm

Short and to the point is the only way to describe this article. Saying that, the site was very useful in providing for many interesting blogs to write about. With an article titled “Brainwashing”, this site provides information on how the media can brainwash individuals. It even follows a scientist who followed this and talks about an experiment that backs up his findings on brainwashing.

So those were 7 useful links. Check them out if you need/want more information on the media and its influence on society.

Until next time, Ayo

Mediabully signing out