Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Ice Breaker

Greetings, intellectuals

Mediabully here and I wanted to make the point that you are your own man or woman when it comes to the media, correct? In television you influence a dominant control in what you want to watch with a large variety to choose from. ESPN Football, American Idol, Heroes, and Gossip Girl all equal less than one percent of the total options you have to choose from. Turn on the radio… There you have the option of listening to jazz, punk, reggaeton, pop, emo rock to psychedelic funk and many more. The choice is all yours. Even when you walk through the entertainment section of a store, you have ultimate control in what movie, video game, or album that you purchase.

However, have you ever thought that there is a vice-versa effect when it comes to influence, control and the media? More importantly, do the media have a direct impact on our actions in everyday life? Consider that question carefully. Would the situation change if under scope in a criminal court case in which someone is on trial for repeating something they were exposed to by any mediums? Who is to blame: the individual or the medium? Maybe both. The pose of media and its effects on society is an interesting topic and one I will explore in a series of blog entries over the next few months. Some of the questions posed in this entry will be answered in future blogs so BE ON THE LOOKOUT! Any questions of your own with our relationship to the media and its impact? Leave a comment and I’ll be sure to address them.

Until then... Arrivederci!

Mediabully signing out.