Monday, November 9, 2009

A Look at the other Side

Opinionated may describe my blog but how else am I to get your attention?

Hey blogger world!

Mediabully here, to discover a look into the other side of the argument and explore why the line of the debate is so wide. So my blog is mainly about the bad things that the media has done but what about the good things? Let’s look at the glass half full...

We experience the media everyday of our lives. There is almost no way to avoid it. Would we want to avoid it? As a current student of a university, the use of media technology has allowed me to complete most, if not all of the assignments that have come at me. Through the media, we are able to become informed citizens and know what is happening in our country, as well as around the world in an instant. Although I pointed out many pitfalls to the world of advertising, there is also a lot of good to come of it. Although a marginal percentage, there are a variety of positive commercials. For instance, non-profit groups such as Truth publish a moderate amount of their advertisements throughout many media outlets which inform teenagers to stay away from drugs. We also have seen a recent ride in commercials that try to promote a healthy lifestyle such as maintaining a healthy diet and exercising. Businesses transactions are able to operate more efficiently through the use of improved communication and many organizations can get a strong backing from the new wave of social media that has taken an uprising with the many influential sites such as Facebook.

So I’m not here to condemn the media. There is good and bad in everything but my purpose will be served to use the media outlet of my blog to allow all of you to become informed on the the subject. The more informed you are, the better you can avoid the negative effects the media can place on you. I appreciate all the time and support all of you have given me throughout the past couple of weeks. Hopefully my blog has allowed you to look at the media in a different way that is enlightening.

Mediabully signing out.

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