Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Self Analysis

Writing this blog has allowed me to grow as a thinker as I explored the topic of media influence. I was able to assess the argument in a variety of ways and probably learned as much as you guys did as readers.

I realized that my blog was able to dig really deep into a well thought analysis. I started off simply questioning whether the media had an influence on our everyday behavior, pondering the significance myself. Although I did somewhat believe it to be true, I underestimated the media’s impact greatly. The media use of impacting our minds with its use of sex, money and power is something that has been readily available to the human eye in our everyday interaction with the media, but understanding the reason how it is able to influence our minds has been an interesting topic to research. I was unaware before my blogging endeavors of the scientific explanation with the use of our brain’s reptilian behavior.

My analysis post has been influential in allowing me to further my argument and forcing me to look at it within a deeper understanding. With my analysis, I compared the media to George Orwell’s conspiracy notions of the government in the novel “1984”. Researching the historical evaluation of the media was influential in furthering my topic. I was also able to delve into our relationship with the media in everyday life. These topics allowed me to identify with the media not as a necessary evil but as an object that we must attain an understanding of how it works so we can access the goods of media's influence. Understanding the use of advertiser’s tactics of targeting body image, violence and public opinion has also been interesting to research. These topics are very interesting because it is something the everyday person fails to analyze. These topics have also helped me to further my argument into one of my favorite blogs where I discuss how media violence is used to create a killing machine for our US Army.

My blog has been a growing experience and I think it has done its job well into understanding how the media has been able to effect the mass and the culture of our society than the simple initial blogging of how advertisers sell products. We have seen proof of this in my theory post with the brief topic of shaving. Within the past couple of weeks, the growth of my blog has been obvious. My blog hasn't been merely based on theory and opinions but many topics have been justified with scientific backing on the media's ability to hypnotize the viewer, pointing out to the brain's functioning of intercepting different waves when watching television.

I hope my blogging on the subject of the media was enlightening to all of you who actually read it. Thank you to all my stalkers especially the ones that commented.

Until my next blog, Farewell

Mediabully signing out.

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