Sunday, November 8, 2009

Implications Post

I look ahead and I see technology growing. This is an incredible thing especially in terms of the media outlet. The more people the media is able to reach the faster things are able to get done. However, there is always a bad side when we see improved technology. Such as in the article “Is Google Making Us Stupid” which gives a resound critique of the internet and the pitfalls we should be aware of, I’m viewing the same thing with media. I don’t think it’s a bad thing but the problem I have with the media is that it should encompass more diversity of media owners. The media is basically dominated by 6 major companies which include Time Warner, Viacom, Vivendi Universal, Walt Disney, News Corp, and General Electric. They own the major entertainment theme parks, entertainment movie studios, television and radio broadcast networks and programming, video news and sports entertainment. They also own integrated telecommunications, wireless phones, video games softwares, electronic media, the music industry and don’t get me started on kitchen appliances. We’ll see how far a Fairness Doctrine will go but the astounding awareness presides that media homogeneity is the problem. What is the solution?

Mediabully signing out

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