Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Self Analysis

Writing this blog has allowed me to grow as a thinker as I explored the topic of media influence. I was able to assess the argument in a variety of ways and probably learned as much as you guys did as readers.

I realized that my blog was able to dig really deep into a well thought analysis. I started off simply questioning whether the media had an influence on our everyday behavior, pondering the significance myself. Although I did somewhat believe it to be true, I underestimated the media’s impact greatly. The media use of impacting our minds with its use of sex, money and power is something that has been readily available to the human eye in our everyday interaction with the media, but understanding the reason how it is able to influence our minds has been an interesting topic to research. I was unaware before my blogging endeavors of the scientific explanation with the use of our brain’s reptilian behavior.

My analysis post has been influential in allowing me to further my argument and forcing me to look at it within a deeper understanding. With my analysis, I compared the media to George Orwell’s conspiracy notions of the government in the novel “1984”. Researching the historical evaluation of the media was influential in furthering my topic. I was also able to delve into our relationship with the media in everyday life. These topics allowed me to identify with the media not as a necessary evil but as an object that we must attain an understanding of how it works so we can access the goods of media's influence. Understanding the use of advertiser’s tactics of targeting body image, violence and public opinion has also been interesting to research. These topics are very interesting because it is something the everyday person fails to analyze. These topics have also helped me to further my argument into one of my favorite blogs where I discuss how media violence is used to create a killing machine for our US Army.

My blog has been a growing experience and I think it has done its job well into understanding how the media has been able to effect the mass and the culture of our society than the simple initial blogging of how advertisers sell products. We have seen proof of this in my theory post with the brief topic of shaving. Within the past couple of weeks, the growth of my blog has been obvious. My blog hasn't been merely based on theory and opinions but many topics have been justified with scientific backing on the media's ability to hypnotize the viewer, pointing out to the brain's functioning of intercepting different waves when watching television.

I hope my blogging on the subject of the media was enlightening to all of you who actually read it. Thank you to all my stalkers especially the ones that commented.

Until my next blog, Farewell

Mediabully signing out.

Check Out These Amazing Blogs!

In the Image of What?

***** (5 Stars)

The blogger ford does a well job of exploring the debate at hand about the argument of evolution versus creationism. The blogger takes an intellectual approach at the matter and presents his evidence well. I have no trouble getting lost in the blog as the author’s fluid writing and appeal of logos presents the findings evolution as insightful and credible.


Drinking Age

***** (5 Stars)

Blogger 18equalsadult has a profound topic that not only is relatable to the age group of 18 to 21 but is extremely crucial. The blogger is able to capture our interest in the subject in the topic alone (let’s face it), but she manages to hold our interest with interesting facts that gives us more details on the matter that we would have never thought about before. She approaches the subject with a scholarly and logical tone; any other way would be detrimental to her blog and undermine the importance of the subject.

http://18equalsadult.blogspot.c om/

Legalizing Marijuana

***** (5 Stars)

Nonlinearperspectives topic is about the legalization of marijuana. His blog in smart and insightful and manages to provide a variety of information to further his argument. I can honestly say from following this blog that I believe the government will consider changing the current legislation on marijuana in the years to come. NLP has cited many beneficial pros and has even managed to change my opinion on the matter.


*This blog has been edited to embed the necessary links

Monday, November 9, 2009

A Look at the other Side

Opinionated may describe my blog but how else am I to get your attention?

Hey blogger world!

Mediabully here, to discover a look into the other side of the argument and explore why the line of the debate is so wide. So my blog is mainly about the bad things that the media has done but what about the good things? Let’s look at the glass half full...

We experience the media everyday of our lives. There is almost no way to avoid it. Would we want to avoid it? As a current student of a university, the use of media technology has allowed me to complete most, if not all of the assignments that have come at me. Through the media, we are able to become informed citizens and know what is happening in our country, as well as around the world in an instant. Although I pointed out many pitfalls to the world of advertising, there is also a lot of good to come of it. Although a marginal percentage, there are a variety of positive commercials. For instance, non-profit groups such as Truth publish a moderate amount of their advertisements throughout many media outlets which inform teenagers to stay away from drugs. We also have seen a recent ride in commercials that try to promote a healthy lifestyle such as maintaining a healthy diet and exercising. Businesses transactions are able to operate more efficiently through the use of improved communication and many organizations can get a strong backing from the new wave of social media that has taken an uprising with the many influential sites such as Facebook.

So I’m not here to condemn the media. There is good and bad in everything but my purpose will be served to use the media outlet of my blog to allow all of you to become informed on the the subject. The more informed you are, the better you can avoid the negative effects the media can place on you. I appreciate all the time and support all of you have given me throughout the past couple of weeks. Hopefully my blog has allowed you to look at the media in a different way that is enlightening.

Mediabully signing out.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Implications Post

I look ahead and I see technology growing. This is an incredible thing especially in terms of the media outlet. The more people the media is able to reach the faster things are able to get done. However, there is always a bad side when we see improved technology. Such as in the article “Is Google Making Us Stupid” which gives a resound critique of the internet and the pitfalls we should be aware of, I’m viewing the same thing with media. I don’t think it’s a bad thing but the problem I have with the media is that it should encompass more diversity of media owners. The media is basically dominated by 6 major companies which include Time Warner, Viacom, Vivendi Universal, Walt Disney, News Corp, and General Electric. They own the major entertainment theme parks, entertainment movie studios, television and radio broadcast networks and programming, video news and sports entertainment. They also own integrated telecommunications, wireless phones, video games softwares, electronic media, the music industry and don’t get me started on kitchen appliances. We’ll see how far a Fairness Doctrine will go but the astounding awareness presides that media homogeneity is the problem. What is the solution?

Mediabully signing out

Advertising: What's the Point?

Greetings, intellectuals

Mediabully here and what you’ve just witnessed is the aspect of the advertiser-consumer relationship. I believe it is my responsibility to analyze the physics of this relationship fully and give you guys a keen sight the next time you watch an advertisement.

So what’s the point of advertising?

• To attract new buyers and try to expand customer base.
• To compete in the market.
• To create an organization's recognition among consumers.
• To promote subsidiary or products manufactured by the same company.
• To bring into notice the changes, special offers or current developments of the interest of the consumers.
• To increase the sale of a particular product.
• To carry out public relations and public service program

The goal of advertising comes down to making individuals view themselves as a mass who all desire the same thing. Mass production requires mass consumption and advertising plays a major part to this equation.

The media’s involvement?

The major player in the advertising world is the media used by these advertisers. The media are the channels of communication that carry the messages from the advertiser to the audience. Media organizations are organized to sell space (in print media) and time (in broadcast media).

How has advertising changed?

Over time, advertising techniques have changed drastically. All ads and commercials appeal to a certain audiences and genders, congregate different values, and contain many different aesthetics. Ads and commercials from the 1940-1970 eras are different from those in the 2000-2008 era and will continue to be different in the years to come. Technology will also change the ways advertisements are brought to consumers.


The reason for this post is because I want you guys to be well aware and more informed of the situation at stake. Ignorance is bliss but the cognizant can’t be fooled. So as you identify yourself as a consumer, you see that the product is meant for YOU. That’s what advertising comes down to and I hope this blog was enlightening. If it was confusing and you have questions, leave a comment. If you have an opinion, leave a comment.

Until next time, Valete

Mediabully signing out

Annotated Links Post

Mediabully here droppin’ links to you guys like it’s hot. These are the pages that guided me to bring you such an awesome blog. Youtube doesn’t really count as an “intellectual” link but I thought I’d give it a shout out regardless. Anywho, check out these media goodies:

1) http://hubpages.com/hub/Mass-Media-Influence-on-Society

This website goes above and beyond in describing the relationship the media has with society. I’m especially impressed with this websites because it describes in simple detail how the media works, shedding light on how only 5 major companies monopolize 95% of the industry. It also goes into details on how the media effects society by specifically bringing topics about how the media targets young people, advertising and hunger, and how the media works in the political arena.

2) http://www.eruptingmind.com/effects-of-tv-on-brain/

Love this site! Not only is it eye-catching with the pictures and videos but it is very informative. While it doesn’t delve too deep into a subject, it is able to provide an analysis for a variety of subjects. Some include topics of television acting as a medium for hypnosis. It even brings in scientific evidence on how your brain works and adapts this towards the medium’s power of hypnosis. It also goes into the topic of how the army used the media to create violent soldiers. I find this site very informative and engaging.

3) http://www.nyu.edu/classes/stephens/History%20of%20Television%20page.htm

While this site doesn’t relate specifically on how the media influences society it provides an important piece to my blog because it provides information on media’s history. It focuses specifically on television which my blog has been about.

4) http://www.eruptingmind.com/reptilian-brain-behavior/

This site is also very eye-catching but what I enjoy most about this site is that it brings in topics specifically about how advertisers are able to trigger behavior. The three main examples it uses are sex, power, and money.

5) http://www.ur.umich.edu/9798/Oct22_97/media.htm

This article is a must read. It sheds light on the media’s influence on eating disorders. There has obviously been a rise and this article does justice in explaining the situation thoroughly. It brings in the medium of fashion magazines and television.

6) http://www.media-awareness.ca/english/issues/violence/effects_media_violence.cfm

This sites sheds light on media violence. It’s a big issue and a topic that has been debated thousands of times, even in criminal court proceedings. So does the media bring out aggressive behavior in people, specifically children in this article? Read it and find out. If you already know, read it and find out how. This site also provides case examples that is able to prove its point on the effects of media violence.

7) http://dieoff.org/page24.htm

Short and to the point is the only way to describe this article. Saying that, the site was very useful in providing for many interesting blogs to write about. With an article titled “Brainwashing”, this site provides information on how the media can brainwash individuals. It even follows a scientist who followed this and talks about an experiment that backs up his findings on brainwashing.

So those were 7 useful links. Check them out if you need/want more information on the media and its influence on society.

Until next time, Ayo

Mediabully signing out

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Theoretically Speaking (my theory)

The media having somewhat of a persuasion is something that the majority of us may be able to agree upon, however, many still disagree on the matter. Those that even agree slightly may argue it persuades only the gullible. Others may argue that persuasion is purely involved with advertising and marketing of products. My findings seem to point that the effects of the media may be powerful enough to conform the mass into both having a common belief and producing a common identity. It is only through counter-culture that people may argue with the mass but especially with identity, counter-culture may feel inferior to the norm.

For instance, the media has been utilized to place women as inferior for a matter of centuries. During WWI when soldiers were shipped across waters to fight for our country, women were taking over “mans work” such as in the factories. When they came back it was realized that they needed to put women back in their ‘place’. This is where we see the rising popularity of the razor. Advertisers were able to make women feel unhygienic and unfeminine by not shaving. However this obviously wasn’t the case before 1914. Gillete sales doubled after the war.

The media is powerful tool. Theory is this: we shouldn’t undermine the influence it may have on society.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

A Few Mediated Men

Ever wonder if soldiers are born or created?

Mediabully here, giving you the 411 on the reality of television violence.
Once upon a time, we had human individuals with a conscious. These individuals would be afraid to murder another human being. In combat, these individuals would purposely aim low or miss the enemy when shooting. They perturbed at the fact of killing and felt heavy remorse when doing so. One day the government came along and noticed the “weak” behavior of their soldiers and knew they would have to find a way to combat the guilt that the individuals encompassed. A few shaved heads, identical uniform and loss of identity later you have a soldier. Desensitizing the individuals creates the soldier. Media is played into this very easily as soldiers were to view violent images on screen especially before going into battle. After World War 2, the US Army realized their need to create a soldier more willing to kill.

It has recently occurred to me that the desensitization of soldiers is more than just aimed at individuals 18 or older but can be targeted at a younger generation. Why not 18 months when a child is able to discern what is happening on television. Upon that age, a child is able to view the substance of the medium and mimic the actions it sees. The children may be adversely prone to view harmful material such as somebody being shot, stabbed, raped, brutalized, degraded or murdered on TV but will be told, “Don’t worry. This isn’t real. It’s just TV.”

How many of you have heard "It's just TV” before? In a way, this somewhat justifies the negative actions we view on TV and almost normalizes it. Sooner or later, we have soldiers giving ‘high 5s’ after having just killed the enemy, along with higher crime rates in our society.

If you agree or care to disagree, drop a comment in that big white box below

Until then... Farvel, Hwyl fawr, 再见

Mediabully signin

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Believe Everything You See on TV...

...Your subconscious naturally functions that way.

Mediabully PRESENT, to follow up on what our psyche is cookin’ up in terms of the influence media has upon us. Halloween is fast approaching and you know what that means… Many of us have got the popcorn popped and are ready for the scary movie marathons leading up to it. Gotta love the horror films! The suspense we get as we see the naïve girl (who doesn’t watch horror movies herself, apparently) play investigator and rummage through the haunted house alone. She opens the closet door and looks up at the secret mysterious door above her. She pushes the door open which leads to a dark, grimy attic and BAAMMM! The onomatopoeia doesn’t have as much impact as the actual movie I attempted to reference, The Grudge, does. However, the actual film or horror movies in general do have an impact on the human body and mind. Generally, your heart rate increases especially at the scary moments. You may possibly believe that the scene has no impact on you because you know it’s not real, but your subconscious, however, believes it is real.

“People who immersed in the surrogate reality of television life deal on a daily basis with the reality totally unlike any that has preceded it. The image stream is a steady mixed up stream of real, unreal and semi-real events. All of these events end up merging with each other and becoming just another set of stored imagery that have all similar reality values.” The effect can desensitize a person and create thin blur line between the real and unreal. My next post will be a real life example of this phenomenon using media violence in relationship to soldiers.

Until then… Poka!

Mediabully signing out

Friday, October 23, 2009

The media DID tell me to do it

Mediabully here, giving you the inside scoop on the effects of TV on the brain. So the question I wanted to ask everyone is if media institutions in our society are puppeteers to all of us? Many come to the conclusion that TV puts its viewers in a hypnotic state which provides easy access for subconscious interference. When watching television the brain switches from the left side to the right side; the left side of the brain is logical thought and the right side of the brain encompasses an emotional response.

Can you think of the last time you went to a fast food restaurant, for instance? Do you think the media told you to go there? Maybe specifically which restaurant to go to as well as what food item to buy? Advertisers use hypnosis to entice their consumers to buy their products. The way they can do this is because behaviors are based on emotions and NOT based on logic. As you have read in the previous paragraph, I’ve mentioned that when watching TV your brain switches from using the left side to the right which makes hypnosis possible. We all know the fast food chain McDonalds which features a cheerful clown. By pairing the stimuli of the cheerful clown which elicits happy feelings of laughter and joy with the stimuli of an unrelated object such as a cheeseburger, the consumer will want to purchase the cheeseburger because of the emotional connection it brings.

I’m curious to hear what you guys have on the matter. Who’s the puppet master of your life the moment you’re inadvertently off-duty… besides your mother? Drop a comment below on the subject or drop a comment if you just want to say 'hi' and tell me how your day was… what-evs.

Anywho, Until next time… Hasta La Vista!

Mediabully signing out

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

The Analysis Post: The How and What

Hello, Media-lovers, Media-haters, and the Apathetic(s) in between!

Mediabully here and before we delve into an analysis of media influence, I’d like to share an excerpt from a book many of you may be familiar with from a previous English course (or perhaps from your spare time):

The Party claimed, of course, to have liberated the proles from bondage. . . . In reality very little was known about the proles. It was not necessary to know much. So long as they continued to work and breed, their other activities were without importance. Left to themselves, like cattle turned loose upon the plains of Argentina, they had reverted to a style of life that appeared to be natural to them, a sort of ancestral pattern. They were born, they grew up in the gutters, they went to work at twelve, they passed through a brief blossoming period of beauty and sexual desire, they married at twenty, they were middle-aged at thirty, they died, for the most part, at sixty. Heavy physical work, the care of home and children, petty quarrels with neighbors, films, football, beer, and, above all, gambling filled up the horizon of their minds. To keep them in control was not difficult.
—George Orwell, 1984

My blog has brought about the idea that the media has control over society’s behavior. In 1984, George Orwell looks into the future to express his fear of control from “Big Brother”, but today this control may be from the media. I will analyze the effects of the media on society, whether good or bad, and I will introduce evidence that will evaluate my position on the subject.

Media History and Criticism

Since the advent of television in the 1927, television has dominated the household of million Americans. By the late 1990’s over 98 percent of American households had at least one television set in their households. This allows for a major medium to easily enter the lives of many. Apart from television, many are affected in their everyday lives from media. There is no escaping it. Many people usually wake up in the morning and turn on the TV or read the newspaper. In everyday travel you will come across an advertisement; by car you might see a billboard advertisement and in airports there are giant posters that may advertise a product. We rely on the media as an authority to give us news, entertainment, and education. I don’t believe anyone is immune to the effects of the media. Trying to escape media influence is accepting its control and influences an individual’s behavior with an anti-conformist reaction.

Media Targets

Mediums are produced often that directly target body image, violence, and public opinion. Advertisers usually take advantage of low self-esteem in people, especially women, and will use their feelings of inadequacy to sell products to them. “Media Sexploitation” is the term that relates how advertisers use sex to get consumers to buy products. Many companies would use advertisements of beauty products and fragrances with sexually graphic images in order to entice consumers to buy them. Research has shown that fashion magazines and the portrayal of thin, beautiful women has a profound effect on causing women to attain eating disorders. This is a learned behavior.

The media often promotes violence which has a heavy effect on people’s behavior (one not related to the buyer-consumer market). Violent television shows and video games are the norm in today’s society but implications from studies suggest that this cause aggression and violent behavior in many. An experiment was conducted in 1956 to assess the relationship of violence and the media. They had 24 children watch cartoons with half of them watching a violent episode of Woody the Woodpecker and the other half watching a non-violent cartoon called The Little Red Hen. When observing the children during a play session thereafter, it was reported that the children who witnessed the violent cartoon were much more likely to hit the other children and break toys. The same violence portrayed in real-life violent television shows or violent video games such as Grand Theft Auto would also lead to increase in violent behavior.

In a time of war throughout history, many Americans would see an increase in violent television shows and advertisement that would likely try to suggest for individuals to join the army. This would also lead to an increase in presenting negative images of the enemy which would often not hold any truth. In a quote by Winston Churchill he states this tactic as necessary as he states “In wartime, truth is so precious that she should always be attended by a bodyguard of lies.” In the same way the media can affect public opinion. Public opinion was swayed heavily after the 911 attacks and gave Osama an indecent exposure. This left many American to support a war on “fighting terrorism”. The influence of behavior in the media is also relevant in political campaigns where the winner is often based on how much commercial time a politician buys. Many have put blame on the media for winning Obama the election in 2008 and bringing more injustice in politics.


I touched on what the media targets and even used specific examples of the media’s influence on behavior, but many of you skeptics may still need a scientific backing for evidence. A radical conclusion to how the media affects behavior is brainwashing. In 1969, while the first man was on the moon, Researcher Herbert Krugman was busy trying to discover what goes on physiologically in the brain while viewing television. While monitoring the brain waves of a subject, Krugman noticed that the when watching TV the brain waves would change from beta to alpha. For those who have no idea what that means (I did as well), beta waves indicate alertness and conscious attention while the alpha waves indicate an unfocused, receptive lack of attention: the state of aimless fantasy and daydreaming below the threshold of consciousness. The brain appears to slow to a halt when watching television because of the radiant light produced by cathode technology. This implies that television is neurologically analogous of starring at a blank wall. Companies and politicians take advantage of this state of mind which is how we can be heavily influenced. After his research was published, Herbert Krugman became the manager of public-opinion research at General Electric headquarters in Connecticut.


While media influence plays a part in our everyday lives it isn’t always necessarily a bad thing. Many of the times we can be influenced in a good way by the media by picking up a sport or gaining educational value. My analysis was to bring together findings that suggest how the media influences behavior but not turn you guys against it. Interaction with mediums is as much a part of our daily lives as it is to brush our teeth. We must live with it and we must recognize it influence so this control doesn’t take over our lives. Big Brother Media is watching you…

Until next time, Au Revoir

Mediabully signing out

*This post has been edited for grammatical errors

Thursday, October 15, 2009

How Far Does The Media Push You?

Greetings, intellectuals

Mediabully here. Yes, I'm back... again! Did you miss me?

We'll I wanted to share with you guys another insightful video that discusses the media's effect on society. This video presents many issues and I'm curious to see what you guys have to think about it. The following video is about a machine with a doll face that mimics images on a television screen in search of a satisfactory visage.

I'd like you to ask yourself what questions this video raises? How far does the media push us to do certain things? Is television a form of hypnosis? It will be helpful for me to push the discussion along in an upcoming post so please leave a comment below and if you want more info on the subject, scroll down to read my past entry "Beautiful, Dirty, Rich! [The Official Media Blogio]" which provides many insightful links as well.

Enjoy and until next time, Shalom

Mediabully signing out... *signs out*

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Self-Image and Media Ad

Hey... you!

Mediabully here bringing you an Ad from Dove that probably a lot of you have seen. It represents self-image in the media, a subject of my last post which if you haven't had the time to read I encourage doing so.

Penny for your thoughts! Drop me a comment in that big white box.

Gots to go so L8r Gators!

Mediabully signing out

Monday, October 12, 2009

Beautiful, Dirty, Rich! [Official Media Blogio]

Bang-bang, Intelleyktuals!

Mediabully here and I wanted to share my thoughts on how SELF-IMAGE, SEX, and POWER equate to persuasion in influencing our behavior though the media. Of course, no one could qualify these attributes to the media better than the most conceited diva herself, Lady Gaga (as she saved me from posting three different videos on the subject). This music video of Lady Gaga, however, goes further than providing a dance tune to excite our eardrums. Gaga’s video inconspicuously (yet very candidly) illicit neurons that encourages the viewer to act or think in a certain way. This is what advertisers in the media specialize in.

Sex is used in advertisements quite often and generally has nothing to do with the advertised product itself. Recall a car commercial that featured an attractive model driving her automobile and as she looks directly into the camera she questions, “When you turn on your car, does it turn you on?” The advertiser has no need to infest the commercial with the inadequate details of car performance, technological advancements, and how many miles per gallon the vehicle encompasses because it’s obviously irrelevant. The reason the advertiser uses this tactic is because sex stimulates the reptilian behavior (vocabulary word of the day) such as “worship, submission, aggression, or wanting to seek a mate.” If you’ve ever witnessed an Axe product ad, the primary storyline entails a dude using the body spray, shampoo, fragrance, etc… and suddenly being irresistibly attractive. A scientific explanation explains that “sex tends to cause the unconscious irrational brain to become dominant at the expense of your conscious rational brain.” Let’s face it, the expression “Sex Sells” is no myth.

Power and social status and self image are a major determinant in stimulating a reptilian brain response. Improving the way you look in health or fashion is a reasonable response and can explain why many have compulsive shopping disorders or have makeup bags that weigh 20 pounds. Power and wanting to be on top is often expressed with reptilian responses such as “greed, aggression, and compulsive behavior”. This can easily explain why get-rich-quick schemes seem to gain popularity fast. These schemes usually cause individuals to act in automatic or irrational ways.

So what do you think? I’ll tell you what YOU think! In a recent poll conducted by me, 50 percent of you guys reported to having been affected by the media in some way with the decisions you make. Only 10 percent of you guys reported to never being affected by the media in your decisions while only 40 percent of you concluded that it “maybe” could’ve had an impact on your decisions (and I’m proud to say that 0 percent of you guys had never had to make a decision… Kudos!). Thank you for your participation. Didn’t participate in the poll? Well, take part in our democratic process and voice your opinion by clicking that comment button below. I look forward to hearing what you all have to say.

Until then, Sayonara

Mediabully signing out

Reptilian brain - Various clumps of cells in the brain stem that determine the brain's general level of alertness and regulate the vegetative processes of the body such as breathing and heartbeat.

*This blog has been edited for grammatical errors, errors involving video size and quality, and to embed necessary links.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Just Something to Youtube About

Greetings, intellectuals (and the not so intellectual)

Mediabully here and I wanted to share a quick link I found on Youtube.

I feel like this clip will be useful for an argument on the media and whether it impacts our minds or doesn't. It's quite interesting and I hope you guys enjoy. Come back later tomorrow for my next blog.

Until then, Adios!

Mediabully signing out.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Ice Breaker

Greetings, intellectuals

Mediabully here and I wanted to make the point that you are your own man or woman when it comes to the media, correct? In television you influence a dominant control in what you want to watch with a large variety to choose from. ESPN Football, American Idol, Heroes, and Gossip Girl all equal less than one percent of the total options you have to choose from. Turn on the radio… There you have the option of listening to jazz, punk, reggaeton, pop, emo rock to psychedelic funk and many more. The choice is all yours. Even when you walk through the entertainment section of a store, you have ultimate control in what movie, video game, or album that you purchase.

However, have you ever thought that there is a vice-versa effect when it comes to influence, control and the media? More importantly, do the media have a direct impact on our actions in everyday life? Consider that question carefully. Would the situation change if under scope in a criminal court case in which someone is on trial for repeating something they were exposed to by any mediums? Who is to blame: the individual or the medium? Maybe both. The pose of media and its effects on society is an interesting topic and one I will explore in a series of blog entries over the next few months. Some of the questions posed in this entry will be answered in future blogs so BE ON THE LOOKOUT! Any questions of your own with our relationship to the media and its impact? Leave a comment and I’ll be sure to address them.

Until then... Arrivederci!

Mediabully signing out.